Thursday, July 21, 2011

A dream passes away, what will we dream of next?

I am saddened by the end of the 30-year Space Shuttle program with the landing of the Atlantis today. An early goal in my life was to be part of one of those missions as an astronaut. As time went on and I received a greater calling, my goal was to just see the Shuttle launch or take off. The closest I ever came to accomplishing that goal was living just a few hours from Edwards Air Force Base where the Shuttle occasionally landed.

The Shuttle program drove my imagination wild as a kid. It taught me how to imagine and dream of things larger than myself. I cut newspaper clippings of Shuttle news, met Shuttle astronauts, and spent many hours dreaming of building the International Space Station while playing the "Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space." Those were good times and those little motivators made life worth living.

Change is hard. Change is easier when you have something greater to hope in. When your hopes and dreams pass on, you trust that something will come along to replace that. With the Shuttle program retired, I wonder what will come along to inspire my kids or other 21st century kids now? Are we done reaching into infinite space to dream about the vast and endless possibilities? Do we now just settle for what we have in the inner space of our atmosphere?

Just some random postings from a guy stuck in the middle of yet another paradigm shift.

1 comment:

Pastor Mike Curry said...

Just received an email from Borders explaining their reasons for closing their stores. Another great love...going to about to go away also.

How about we get some positive change around here in my world.