Friday, May 06, 2005

Stuck in the Middle of a Paradigm Shift

Here I am - stuck! The great societal paradigm of modernity is slowly and unwillingly giving way to postmodernity and all the uncertainties it holds - and I'm stuck in the middle. All the absolutes I was taught are now just several "truths" on the great smorgasbord of ideas. All the things that were certain for me are no longer certain for my family. The familiar world is now alien. I don't like being stuck! I don't consider myself modern by any means - and I'm definitely not Post-modern - I'm just stuck! Stuck in the middle of this huge Paradigm shift in some "catch-22" sort of way.

I'm confident that I'll get out of this sticky situation - I mean, I have to. I've got a family to take care of, children to raise, work to do. It will just take time to figure all this out - and unfortunately I don't have that much time. Perhaps in all this rambling something will click - something will snap my mind out of this fog and make things make sense again. Perhaps this is all I have to look forward to (all this fog) until the next major Paradigm shift. I hope it happens soon - I hate fog.

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