Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Much to Blog about, just not much time

There are so many things I must be writing, but so little time to write them. Even now as I sit to post this, my children are screaming, my wife is wiped out after caring for them all day, and I about finished myself. Nevertheless, I must post about the recent confusion I've been having. Perhaps by doing this, a solution may present itself.

We need to move. I need to be closer to my job to do it effectively. We've outgrown our home, too. It is nearly 100 years old and more things fall apart on it every year. If we sell it, I know we'd earn a profit of around 20 - 30 thousand dollars in today's market. The quandry is there is nothing affordable that would be a step up (in space and quality). The housing market has boomed out of our price range. Even with a $30,000 down payment we cannot qualify for financing on the remaining balance.

What's more is we can afford the homes where we really want to live, only there are no jobs available there. Ah, life is cruel with its ironies.

Oh well, off to bed. Hope I can sleep tonight.

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