Friday, December 30, 2005

The End of my Lemoore Naz Era

Today marks the end of a long period in my life and the life of my family.

While last Sunday (Christmas) was my last Sunday at the church, today I turned in my keys and things at the church. I really thought it was going to be more difficult than it was, but it really wasn't. All of my files were already packed and in storage, so I only had to lug a few file folders out of the building with some mail that I had. After talking to the Pastor for a while and hugging the treasurer and secretary goodbye, I just left. No fanfare, no hurrah, just walked out the door.

You would think that after five years, it would be difficult, but it really wasn't. We really don't have any close friends left there. We had great relationships with some of the teens, but no adults really seemed sad to see us go. It is interesting to think that in the five years that my family and I have attended there, we didn't have many if any close friends. After all, the church is very friendly, but not able to carry that through to an actual friendship. I mean we didn't even have a going away reception of sorts. Just a passing reference in a Christmas sermon. I SPENT FIVE YEARS OF MY LIFE THERE SERVING IN MINISTRY AND DID SOME GREAT THINGS - AND ALL I GOT WAS A PASSING GOODBYE!!! That hurts, and I should be above that, but I am human, and an "Atta Boy!" now and then would be encouraging.

Guess I can just throw it on the pile with all the other "hurts" that God's people have "loved" on me...gossip...broken promises that were made in public...insulting my family...demeaning my ministry...judging me and my family and not holding themselves to the same standard...being fake...etc, etc, etc. I know that I am lying these at the altar of forgiveness, but I just can't figure out why GOD'S PEOPLE act this way. They're supposed to be transformed. They're supposed to be IN this world, but not OF this world. They're supposed to be a reflection of the Love of God in Christ Jesus. However, all I've seen is fake Christianity with well meaning intentions, but no follow through. Is this an example of the SAVING power that Christ brings? I think my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, died and rose again to bring a REAL power to be transformed.

May God transform me, grant me the power to forgive, and fill my heart with love for these that have taken a dump on me. I do love them, and I hope that we can spend an eternity in Heaven together, in the meantime, please take these hurts and heal me and my family.

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