Sunday, January 01, 2006

Day 1 - January 1, 2006

Happy New Year! Today is the first day of my "100 Days" challenge. This is my personal challenge to blog the first 100 days of this New Year.
Today my family and I attended Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Fresno. We were warmly welcomed and my preaching seemed well received. This seems like a very friendly church with a nice mix of age groups, although there didn't seem to be an abundance of children. We will return there for the next two weeks to preach and hopefully be considered candidates for pastor of this church.
This morning's message was based out of Luke 2:22-35. The Christmas gifts have been opened, the Christmas decorations put away. It's a New Year and many are done with even their post-Christmas shopping. Now that we've celebrated Christ's birth, what do we do with Him until Easter? Do we leave him as the baby Jesus lying in a manger? Do we really believe that He is God's greatest gift to mankind? I mean, really, do we understand the magnitude of who Jesus is - post-Christmas?
There is no doubt reading in this narrative that Mary and Joseph were beginning to understand the magnitude of having a new baby to take care of - the diaper changes, the feedings, the crying, the lack of sleep, the challenges of travelling with child just over a month old. The REALITY of Jesus the baby began to sink in. A righteous man named Simeon now drives that reality home as he speaks to the new parents.
Simeon's visit communicates the REALITY of Jesus is seen in the fact that God keeps the promises he makes. In verse 29 Simeon praises God that the promise was kept. This promise of a Savior, not just to Simeon, but to all mankind had finally come to pass. Man's great sin problem was in the process of becoming remedied. The spotless lamb promised to be the sin offering had arrived, as promised. God keeps his promises - that is the REALITY of our situation.
When Simeon looked at Jesus, he declared a great confession of the REALITY of Jesus, my eyes have seen your salvation (verse 30). To see Jesus is to see your Salvation. The two are inseparable. Truly Jesus is the only way of Salvation. The only way to be saved is through Jesus Christ.
The REALITY of Jesus is no secret (v. 31-32). His birth was heralded out in the open for everyone to see. Jesus is available to all - both Jew and Gentile. He is the revelation of who God is to the unbelievers. To those who believe in God, Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises.
The REALITY of Jesus is that He is salvation. He brings hope to the hopless and power to the powerless. That doesn't soud like an ordinary child. Jesus was not an ordinary child. There's a whole other dimension to him.
The holy parents were amazed, speechless even as they marvelled at what Simeon said. Then the reality of who Jesus was (and is) hit home even more. In Simeons address to Mary (v. 34-35) we see that Jesus' future would be rocky for those He came in contact with. And for us today, the REALITY of who Jesus is has great implications for believers.
Jesus will either get in your way or you will step aside and let him lead you. When confronted with the reality of Jesus, you'll either speak against him, or get in line with him. Your reaction to Jesus reveals the true intent of your heart - it reveals your REALITY of you Jesus is. If you claim He is Lord, then you'll let Him lead and you will follow. If your actions differ from your profession, then that reveals a person with divided loyalties. Jesus said no one can serve two masters and God is a jealous God who won't take second place to anyone or anything.
Following Jesus may cause painful personal consequences. To identify with Jesus can bring pain because many will and have rejected the reality of who Jesus is.
In conclusion, Jesus Christ has come to us - He is God's greatest Gift. What now, are we to do with Him. His presence demands a response. Jesus is the promised one, the One who's fulfilled the promise of Salvation readliy available to all in the here and now. What is our response to this?
Have we accepted Christ and the fullness of the salvation He brings to every area of our lives? What needs to change this year to help you follow Christ's leadership into a full salvation? Are you standing in God's way? Are you willing to suffer the personal consequences of denying yourselves and loving and serving others as you follow Jesus?
These are great questions to ponder as we begin this new year - A year closer to eternity, a year closer to Christ's return.

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