Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Day 3 - January 3, 2006

This is the very day GOD acted --
let's celebrate and be festive!
Psalm 118:24 (The Message)

This day for me did not go as planned. After a rough night of restlessness, I slept in longer than I had planned. Then my boys and I journeyed over to our house to continue moving stuff to storage and cleaning up the place to sell. We made it until about 3 o'clock when the boys decided they'd leave dad the work and go play with the neighbors. They had fun and needed some outdoor playtime, so I wasn't too concerned to make them work. Anyway, we finished up what we were doing about 6 o'clock, grabbed some dinner and watched Scooby Doo.

I truly hope to find some time to pray, as I wasn't able to last night. It will be a late night lying in bed talking to my God, I think. Still praying for the finances to pick up, for a new place of ministry, and for my family. I know God will come through, he always does, I'm just having an extreme lack of patience...and that sucks!

Nevertheless, I will rejoice for God is in control and still does incredible things in the life of us ordinary human beings. Praise be to God!!!

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